Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today I aced my mid-term! And I'm happy as all get out! I studied my booty off & made out like a fat rat. Don't let anyone tell you you can't. Because you can!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day is bitter sweet becauwe my dad isn't physical here but he will always be in my heart. Happy Father's Day you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Long time, no see!

Its been a long, long, very long time since my last post. You know how it is, things happen, life throws you a curve ball or you get in a rut. It happens to us all way too many times, well at least to me. So with all that mubble jubble noted I'm back! And what brought me back is the fact that I'm a little pissed off. My family has never really been like a REAL family with all the bells and whistles which is a feeling I've always wanted.. Instead we argue, bicker and pretend as if everything is ok when we all know differently. So.......I'm in a situation right now that kinda requires a helping hand, nothing major but it would help to know that those around you care. Well, sorry to say that the one family member that could assist doesn't give a f***! Now I don't want to come across like I have the " you owe me tude" but honestly there were times when I went above and beyond for this person. And although I'm the type of that rarely asks for help this time I wouldn't think asking is required. I mean its evident assistance is needed. Then again it's not even the point that she's not helping it's more of extending the help. She hasn't even extended her hand. And the little extension that was given was done in selfishness. Whew! I had to take a breather before I blew a vessel.

Anyway it won't be long before things come together for me as they always do and issues like this won't be a factor in my world.....or will it?