Monday, November 22, 2010


Good day to all big and small. I've been pondering on this blog for some time now and well it's time. Although I have a personal blog I wanted to maintain a blog just for my opinions and views on the world as I see it. If your looking for " the tea on the stars" I left the door open for you to exit but if you want common sense with a side of hot sauce, then you've entered ( at your own risk) the REALEST bloggster ever!!

I've wrecked my brain long enough, went back and forth, weighed the PROS & CONS and finally decided to have at it. I will no longer hold myself back from the unknown or the venom my brain tends to spit when anger consumes me. So fasten up, relax and um if you don't have BIG balls....grow some, I have some fertilizer in the back.


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